Official Integrated Reporting Convention 2017 was held on 12-13 October in Amsterdam
250 business leaders and investors have met in Amsterdam for the Official Integrated Reporting Convention 2017: “Unlocking value for future fit organizations”.
Delegates have shared their experiences and participated to panels to hear from leaders in the field to receive insights into market trends, the impact of

There were also discussion sessions that reflect the latest thinking of the
- In the hidden capitals session, delegates heard from Satriun Group, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development and AECA about how to integrate your organization's value creation model and reporting with human, intellectual and social factors. They will also explore why this information is increasingly necessary to management and the board, investor modeling and decision making.
- In the session looking at informing strategy with integrated thinking, experiences shared with participants by Tim Haywood, HRH Prince of Wales Ambassador for Responsible Business; The World Bank, the Natural Capital Coalition and the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants about developing strategy across multiple capitals and time-frames. They also looked at addressing the twin challenges of governance and performance management.