
Garanti Bank hosted an event titled “Creating Value with Integrated Reporting in Corporate Reporting”.

An experience sharing event on “Creating Value with Integrated Reporting in Corporate Reporting” was organized by T. Garanti Bank.

Event started with the opening speechs of Garanti Bank General Manager Ali Fuat Erbil, (Chairman of Integrated Reporting Turkey Network(ERTA) Executive Board, Prof. Dr. Güler Aras, Central Registry Agency (CRA) Assistant General Manager Fatih Kaya and Borsa Istanbul Assistant General Manager Muhittin Esen.

In the first panel moderated by Executive Board Member Ediz Günsel, integrated reporting publishers, Borsa Istanbul, Garanti Bank and TSKB, shared their experiences.

In the second panel moderated by Konca Çalkıvik, Secretary General of SKD Turkey, Central Registry Agency quoted edits made on integrated reporting. Çimsa and Oyak Cement Group shared their experiences on integrated reporting process.

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